Getting ready

When I was a journalist way back in the day, I had the privilege of interviewing Stokley Carmichael*, aka Kwame Toure'. He was coming to Sacramento for an appearance at California State University at Sacramento, so I was dispatched to cover his presentation. At one point during his talk, he told the audience that when his phone rang, he always answered "Ready for the revolution!" He also said that CIA probably didn't appreciate his greeting. Can't please everyone. J. Edgar Hoover was more likely most unhappy with Brother Toure's greeting.

Anyway, the revolution didn't continue in the way Kwame and others had envisioned after the 60s and 70s. But that doesn't mean that there will be no revolution. The next one, as Gil Scott Heron said, will not be televised. It will be live and it will take place in the hearts of every single person on this planet.

Some of my very favorite bloggers, Phillipe, Liz and Malik are getting ready. Check out what they talking about this week:

Phillipe's Baha'i Thought and Black America:

Liz's Los Angelista's Guide to the Pursuit of Happiness:

Malik's The Struggle Within:

Folks are gearin' up, gettin' ready. For what, you say? Black History Month? Well...maybe that's a tiny part of it. That's certainly an energy that re-invigorates people to consider the past, focus on the present and have hope for the future. But that's not what I'm talking about, specifically. God willing and through the generous support of my Local Spiritual Assembly, I will be attending the following event:

February 8, 08 - February 10, 08
Phillipe Copeland, Lloyd Lawrence, Kenneth Ray, Adam Siegel, Liz Washington
"There is no time to lose. There is no room left for vacillation". In order to bring the Word of God to the masses, The Lord of the Age has called people of African descent to provide spiritual leadership in the creation of a new civilization. This worldwide redemption requires arming the servant with his God-given abilities; not only knowledge but also insight and spiritual weaponry necessary "to conquer these regions." To do this effectively, the Day Finders Conference will use the arts and experiential learning to take participants of African descent on a journey of self-reflection deep into the "pupil of the eye" in the pursuit of healing, transformation and understanding of the Five Year Plan. This is an urgent call to action. Are you ready for a revolution?

To register for this conference please visit the Green Acre website,

That's the question. Are you ready? There will be no sit-ins, stand-ups or picket lines. No protest marches, bus rides or guns. This is the most potent revolution ever--the spiritual evolution of mankind.

*For those of you who are unfamiliar with African American history, Stokley Carmichael was a well known leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, which organized the freedom bus rides through the southern states to emphasize the need for desegregation


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