The Should-Have-Been-Contest-Entry: May 27, 2045
I was going to enter NPR's 3 minute short story contest, but I got mixed up on the deadline--I was supposed to submit the story by 11:59 September 23, not the 24th. The story had to have a protagonist who is an American president, either a fictional one of a real one. Of course, I chose a fictional one. I think there's been enough fiction written about many of the former (and present) presidents. I wrote a 600 word version that I wanted to enter in the contest, and an over 1,200 word version that I will save for future contest entries. I haven't written anything here on Blogger for such a long time that I decided to post the short version of the story here. A note to Baha'is: Does anything seem vaguely familiar in this story? It might not be so obvious in the short version, but it's definitely there in the longer one. And the name of both stories is May 27, 2045.
The walk from the Oval Office to
the North Lawn was faster than Candace would have liked. She was surrounded by
the Secret Service, who also brought her husband Edward to her side. He looked
grim, but managed to smile when she took his arm. A few seconds later, another
swarm of people dressed in dark suits and white shirts produced Vice President
Nathaniel Stevenson, and his wife Audrey. She barely managed to clear her
throat before approaching the podium to address the nation.
“To the Almighty God, to Whom all
nations are endeavoring to serve regardless of religious beliefs, we give
thanks. To my husband, Edward Benoit the III, my children Noble and Reyna, I
love you. To Vice President Stevenson, Speaker of the House Lewis, members of
Congress, the Armed Forces and the American people: I am sure you are aware of
the failed attempts on the lives England’s Prime Minister Aadishree Nair and
Canada’s Prime Minister Brianna Montgomery. I am relieved that they are both
unharmed. However, our Intelligence
community has refrained from issuing further information at this time, and I do
not know if these acts of terrorism are related to the decision I’ve made this
“As you
know, Congress has been tried and convicted Senator Justin Dayne of conspiracy
and treason against the United States for his role in trading arms with Iran
during the Iraqi War of 2003, and for his continued participation selling
weapons and classified information to several Middle Eastern states. These
actions have undermined national and international security, which, in turn,
has caused the deaths of countless people all over the world. He continued to
sell weapons and information until he was arrested five years ago. In spite of
his numerous supporters and testimonies of his decades of service to the
American people, the Congress found the evidence against Senator Dayne was
undeniably clear.
“Members of Congress, I applaud
your efforts in this most difficult matter. I am certain that it has been
excruciatingly painful decision for you to bring an esteemed colleague to
trial, and convict him on all counts. Due to the seriousness and far-reaching
consequences of Senator Dayne’s actions, you recommended the death penalty two
years ago. The Supreme Court upheld the decision last month, and as President
of the United States, I’ve had to weigh all the facts and consider the effects
these actions have had on our world before deciding to commute Senator Dayne’s
conviction or not.”
“This country has been in armed
conflict with one or more Middle Eastern States for the past four decades. In
fact, I can’t remember a time when this country hasn’t been at war. We have
been fighting the same battles over and over again, with no positive outcome in
the least. Senator Dayne has played a major role in these continued
hostilities. He was not alone, of course.
All of the other participants are now dead, and Congress is now faced
with the decision to try them in absentia. My hope and prayer is that we will
face this dark period courageously, and America will restore its good name
amongst the nations of the world as symbol of justice.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, I have
decided to uphold the sentence of Senator Justin Dayne. May God have mercy on his soul. My press
secretary, Sienna Diaz, will respond to questions from the media.”
With the last syllable she uttered,
Candace was safely removed away from the podium by the ocean of Secret Service
personnel; the assassin’s bullet missing her by ten seconds, but striking her
husband’s left shoulder.
Perhaps you are already aware of the Guardian's comments on America with relation to the rest of the world and what must happen if the situation is not remedied. As this was written more than a half century ago (and the situation is far, far worse now) my belief is that the inevitable is nearing its climax.
Anyway, I hope you read it.