candy rain

This is as close as I'll get to candy this Halloween. I used to think this song was so cute when I heard it on the radio. The video is even cuter. Young guys talkin' about love...isn't it sweet? Yeah...that "love" thing...


Liz Dwyer said…
I'll be sort of relieved when Halloween is over and done with. It's just gone on TOO long this year.

And I'm so glad you put the photos up. Your kids are so beautiful/handsome.
Ms Angela said…
It's gone on too long? I haven't noticed, really. Since my kids are grown things like Halloween seem to pass me by. And I'm in and out of stores with the quickness these days. Talking about chanting: "God is sufficient unto me. He verily is the All-Sufficing". That's just to stay from the !@#$ bags of "snack size" chocolate anything except Mounds and Almond Joy. It's amazing what you miss when you are saying prayers in Target.

Thanks for the kids compliment, Liz. Even though they're adults, they're still my babies.

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