About racism...

For obvious reasons, racism is a huge issue for me, and it has been for as long as I can remember. I can recount numerous incidents of both blatant and covert racism, if I thought it would do any good. I suspect that like so many emotionally volatile subjects, "anecdotal" evidence would be dismissed as merely subjective. In fact, that has been my experience--I'm being too sensitive concerning the race thing. It's not like it was before, and what happened way back then is over. Let's move on. Besides, slavery happened a long time ago (that's a relative statement; my maternal great-grandmother was raised on a plantation), and, "my ancestors weren't responsible for slavery."

I'm not going to discuss my personal adventures experiencing racism. Instead, I'm going to re-post a conversation from an earlier blog, ("My Story") that I've been having with "Anonymous", who I thank very sincerely for highlighting this for me, since it is always playing either in the forefront or background of my life.
Anonymous, you have done a great service by posting your comments. It reminds me of what being a member of the Baha'i Faith is all about--being of service to humanity, and eliminating racism is part of that service. Let the conversation continue until we accomplish this, not just on this blog, but on every Internet forum, every television and radio station, and any other available venue.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering if this was meant as a joke. Because if not...well, I won't say until i hear your response.

"I remember thinking, God, please don't tell me I've died and gone to hell with a bunch of white men. Then I looked over at my blood pressure monitor, and it said 64 over 40. I wondered if that was bad, then everything went black again."
7:24 AM
Angelfly72 said...

It wasn't a joke. It's what I thought, coming out of a thick fog of morphine and other drugs. That was my initial reaction to coming to consciousness and not knowing whether I was alive or dead. Now, as an African American woman, I have had a heightened awareness of who is around me, and what their race and gender is. If you are a white male, I'm sorry if my honesty is offensive to you, but there is something very threatening about being surrounded by white males while in a semi-conscious, very vulnerable state. Let's just say that there are both historical and present-time reasons for that. That has been the reality of my life, and yes, I've been threatened by groups of white men on a few occasions. My reaction had some precedents.

There is a bit of unintentional irony in there, however: "...bunch of white men", "...everything went black". I was referring to the fact that I went unconscious again. I didn't see the contrast until you quoted those sentences. Funny how that happens. At some point in the future, none of it will have the racial connotations that it does now. That's my hope and prayer, anyway.
9:21 AM
Anonymous said...

Thanks for the answer. I'm not a white male. I'm a white female that somehow happened on your blog. ;-)

When I read that sentence, it was extremely jarring. I thought, here are these "white men" saving her life and her first thought was a negative one about white men. I guess I'm just tired of having racism in my face. For whatever reason. (and you have stated some good reasons)I just wish we could get to a place where race wasn't such a dividing factor in our world. But I have to admit, I am racist, too. In some very subtle ways. So I get what you are saying.
7:01 PM
Angelfly72 said...


I think we are a critical point in our society's development. Race is a factor, and it is in all our faces because we have to, both individually and collectively, deal with it. It won't be erased by wishing it isn't there, and the process of cleansing and healing from racism isn't pretty. In fact, there is the potential of very deep-seated emotions boiling out of control and doing more damage than good. I think we (meaning Americans)are acutely aware of that potential, and we shirk away from the issue because of it. But we can't allow our fears to control us, nor can we bury our heads underground and act like the problems do not exist, as we have been doing for years. That future that you and I wish for? It can happen. It will happen.

This one of the many reasons why I am a member of the Baha'i Faith. I don't know if you are a Baha'i or not, but one of the many foundations of my faith include the elimination of all racial prejudice, not just in the U.S., but from this planet. Some might say that's an overly optimistic goal. I say we have to do it, no matter how difficult it is. The preservation of humanity, as dramatic as this sounds, literally depends on it.

What We Believe

© Bahá’í International Community

The Baha'i Faith is the youngest of the world’s independent monotheistic religions. Founded in Iran in 1844, it now has more than five million adherents in 236 countries and territories. Baha'is come from nearly every national, ethnic and religious background, making the Baha'i Faith the second-most-widespread religion in the world.

Baha'is view the world's major religions as a part of a single, progressive process through which God reveals His will to humanity. Baha'u'llah (1817-1892), the Founder of the Baha'i Faith, is recognized as the most recent in a line of Divine Messengers that stretches back beyond recorded time and includes Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Christ and Muhammad.

The central theme of Baha'u'llah's message is that humanity is one single race and that the day has come for humanity’s unification into one global society. While reaffirming the core ethical principles common to all religions, Baha'u'llah also revealed new laws and teachings to lay the foundations of a global civilization. “A new life,” Baha'u'llah declared, “is, in this age, stirring within all the peoples of the earth.”

The worldwide Baha'i community, composed of people from virtually every racial, ethnic and religious background, is working to give practical expression to Baha'u'llah’s vision of world unity. We invite you to learn more about the Baha'i Faith and benefit from the spiritual and practical insights found in the Revelation of Baha'u'llah, God's message for humanity in this day.

Freedom from racial prejudice, in any of its forms, should, at such a time as this when an increasingly large section of the human race is falling a victim to its devastating ferocity, be adopted as the watchword of the entire body of the American believers, in whichever state they reside, in whatever circles they move, whatever their age, traditions, tastes, and habits. It should be consistently demonstrated in every phase of their activity and life, whether in the Bahá’í community or outside it, in public or in private, formally as well as informally, individually as well as in their official capacity as organized groups, committees and Assemblies. It should be deliberately cultivated through the various and everyday opportunities, no matter how insignificant, that present themselves, whether in their homes, their business offices, their schools and colleges, their social parties and recreation grounds, their Bahá’í meetings, conferences, conventions, summer schools and Assemblies. It should, above all else, become the keynote of the policy of that august body which, in its capacity as the national representative, and the director and coordinator of the affairs of the community, 37 must set the example, and facilitate the application of such a vital principle to the lives and activities of those whose interests it safeguards and represents.
“O ye discerning ones!” Bahá’u’lláh has written, “Verily, the words which have descended from the heaven of the Will of God are the source of unity and harmony for the world. Close your eyes to racial differences, and welcome all with the light of oneness.” “We desire but the good of the world and the happiness of the nations,” He proclaims, “…that all nations should become one in faith and all men as brothers; that the bonds of affection and unity between the sons of men should be strengthened; that diversity of religion should cease, and differences of race be annulled.” “Bahá’u’lláh hath said,” writes ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, “that the various races of humankind lend a composite harmony and beauty of color to the whole. Let all associate, therefore, in this great human garden even as flowers grow and blend together side by side without discord or disagreement between them.” “Bahá’u’lláh,” ‘Abdu’l-Bahá moreover has said, “once compared the colored people to the black pupil of the eye surrounded by the white. In this black pupil is seen the reflection of that which is before it, and through it the light of the spirit shineth forth.”
“God,” ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Himself declares, “maketh no distinction between the white and the black. If the hearts are pure both are acceptable unto Him. God is no respecter of persons on account of either color or race. All colors are acceptable unto Him, be they white, black, or yellow. Inasmuch as all were created in the image of God, we must bring ourselves to realize that all embody divine possibilities.” “In the estimation of God,” He states, “all men are equal. There is no distinction or preference for any soul, in the realm of His justice and equity.” “God did not make these divisions,” He affirms; “these divisions have had their origin in man himself. Therefore, as they are against the plan and purpose of God they are false and imaginary.” “In the estimation of God,” He again affirms, “there is no distinction of color; all are one in the color and beauty of servitude to Him. Color is not important; the heart is all-important. It mattereth not what the exterior may be if the heart is pure and white within. God doth not behold differences 38 of hue and complexion. He looketh at the hearts. He whose morals and virtues are praiseworthy is preferred in the presence of God; he who is devoted to the Kingdom is most beloved. In the realm of genesis and creation the question of color is of least importance.” “Throughout the animal kingdom,” He explains, “we do not find the creatures separated because of color. They recognize unity of species and oneness of kind. If we do not find color distinction drawn in a kingdom of lower intelligence and reason, how can it be justified among human beings, especially when we know that all have come from the same source and belong to the same household? In origin and intention of creation mankind is one. Distinctions of race and color have arisen afterward.” “Man is endowed with superior reasoning power and the faculty of perception”; He further explains, “he is the manifestation of divine bestowals. Shall racial ideas prevail and obscure the creative purpose of unity in his kingdom?” “One of the important questions,” He significantly remarks, “which affect the unity and the solidarity of mankind is the fellowship and equality of the white and colored races. Between these two races certain points of agreement and points of distinction exist which warrant just and mutual consideration. The points of contact are many…. In this country, the United States of America, patriotism is common to both races; all have equal rights to citizenship, speak one language, receive the blessings of the same civilization, and follow the precepts of the same religion. In fact numerous points of partnership and agreement exist between the two races, whereas the one point of distinction is that of color. Shall this, the least of all distinctions, be allowed to separate you as races and individuals?” “This variety in forms and coloring,” He stresses, “which is manifest in all the kingdoms is according to creative Wisdom and hath a divine purpose.” “The diversity in the human family,” He claims, “should be the cause of love and harmony, as it is in music where many different notes blend together in the making of a perfect chord.” “If you meet,” is His admonition, “those of a different race and color from yourself, do not mistrust them, and withdraw yourself into your shell of conventionality, but rather be glad and show them kindness.” “In the world of being,” He testifies, “the meeting is 39 blessed when the white and colored races meet together with infinite spiritual love and heavenly harmony. When such meetings are established, and the participants associate with each other with perfect love, unity and kindness, the angels of the Kingdom praise them, and the Beauty of Bahá’u’lláh addresseth them, ‘Blessed are ye! Blessed are ye!’” “When a gathering of these two races is brought about,” He likewise asserts, “that assemblage will become the magnet of the Concourse on high, and the confirmation of the Blessed Beauty will surround it.” “Strive earnestly,” He again exhorts both races, “and put forth your greatest endeavor toward the accomplishment of this fellowship and the cementing of this bond of brotherhood between you. Such an attainment is not possible without will and effort on the part of each; from one, expressions of gratitude and appreciation; from the other, kindliness and recognition of equality. Each one should endeavor to develop and assist the other toward mutual advancement…. Love and unity will be fostered between you, thereby bringing about the oneness of mankind. For the accomplishment of unity between the colored and white will be an assurance of the world’s peace.” “I hope,” He thus addresses members of the white race, “that ye may cause that downtrodden race to become glorious, and to be joined with the white race, to serve the world of man with the utmost sincerity, faithfulness, love, and purity. This opposition, enmity, and prejudice among the white race and the colored cannot be effaced except through faith, assurance, and the teachings of the Blessed Beauty.” “This question of the union of the white and the black is very important,” He warns, “for if it is not realized, erelong great difficulties will arise, and harmful results will follow.” “If this matter remaineth without change,” is yet another warning, “enmity will be increased day by day, and the final result will be hardship and may end in bloodshed.”
A tremendous effort is required by both races if their outlook, their manners, and conduct are to reflect, in this darkened age, the spirit and teachings of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. Casting away once and for all the fallacious doctrine of racial superiority, with all its attendant evils, confusion, and miseries, and welcoming and encouraging the intermixture 40 of races, and tearing down the barriers that now divide them, they should each endeavor, day and night, to fulfill their particular responsibilities in the common task which so urgently faces them. Let them, while each is attempting to contribute its share to the solution of this perplexing problem, call to mind the warnings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and visualize, while there is yet time, the dire consequences that must follow if this challenging and unhappy situation that faces the entire American nation is not definitely remedied.
Let the white make a supreme effort in their resolve to contribute their share to the solution of this problem, to abandon once for all their usually inherent and at times subconscious sense of superiority, to correct their tendency towards revealing a patronizing attitude towards the members of the other race, to persuade them through their intimate, spontaneous and informal association with them of the genuineness of their friendship and the sincerity of their intentions, and to master their impatience of any lack of responsiveness on the part of a people who have received, for so long a period, such grievous and slow-healing wounds. Let the Negroes, through a corresponding effort on their part, show by every means in their power the warmth of their response, their readiness to forget the past, and their ability to wipe out every trace of suspicion that may still linger in their hearts and minds. Let neither think that the solution of so vast a problem is a matter that exclusively concerns the other. Let neither think that such a problem can either easily or immediately be resolved. Let neither think that they can wait confidently for the solution of this problem until the initiative has been taken, and the favorable circumstances created, by agencies that stand outside the orbit of their Faith. Let neither think that anything short of genuine love, extreme patience, true humility, consummate tact, sound initiative, mature wisdom, and deliberate, persistent, and prayerful effort, can succeed in blotting out the stain which this patent evil has left on the fair name of their common country. Let them rather believe, and be firmly convinced, 41 that on their mutual understanding, their amity, and sustained cooperation, must depend, more than on any other force or organization operating outside the circle of their Faith, the deflection of that dangerous course so greatly feared by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and the materialization of the hopes He cherished for their joint
contribution to the fulfillment of that country’s glorious destiny.

From The Advent of Divine Justice by Shoghi Effendi, pgs 37-41.


Anonymous said…
The beginning of the solution might be something like Alcoholics Anonymous Step 1: Admit the problem. No time for defensiveness. We took in racism, almost literally, with the air we breathed. We didn't know what was happening, but now we're conscious of it. I think understanding that our society and culture are racist should take a little of the personal burden off of us: It's not just, "I, personally, am a racist," but "I live within a racist structure." You can take steps, at outlined by the Guardian in "Advent of Divine Justice."
Victor Kulkosky
Ms Angela said…
I absolutely agree with you, Victor! On an individual basis, we are powerless over the racist structure of our society and culture. But again, referring back to AA's philosophy (which I believe has been greatly influenced by the healing appearance of Baha'u'llah), God is All-Powerful. With the power and love of God inherent within each of us (shoud each of us choose to turn our lives over to the care of God), together we can do what we could not alone.

I used add a disclaimer--maybe racism won't be eradicated within my lifetime, but it will be a thing of the past someday. I'm no longer saying. I can't. I now have this affirmation: racism can and WILL be eradicated before I depart this mortal casing. I can't do it alone, but I can certainly put the thought out for others, and together we can and will make it happen.

Thank you so much for your invaluable contribution to the conversation, Victor!

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